Wail - Itchfunding complete

The Itchfunding for Wail is now complete, thanks so much to all 160 of you that backed this project. I really hope you are enjoying Wail and building your own worlds to explore. The reception to this has been way, way better than I could have imagined and I'm so excited that people have been leaving such lovely reviews (though I do wish they were public facing!) 

I have just uploaded the updated Artless rules and the plaintext version for ease of use. There have been some edits to the rules, a Quick reference section,  character advancement rules, Adventure hooks and a couple of story oracles. This version is available now and will be used when I add the artwork. (maybe with minor layout changes)

This is the current timeline for the project moving forward:

  • Today: The final rules are available in layout and plaintext (epub to follow when I get it looking good on a kindle)   
  • Early March the art version will be made available alongside the Mysteries of the Wailing Lands add-on. 
  • Second week of March I will claim the funds from Itch. When they clear I will order a proof copy of the Zine, add-on and additional sheets. (Character, Waycastle and Map) If all goes to plan then I will do a full order of all content ready to go onto my Etsy store. 
  • Then in late March/ early April I will be sending out emails with a link to the product along with a discount code for each backer. 
  • After the physical launch each backer will be sent a code to access the Wailing Hex Kit here on Itch free of charge. 

I will do the print run in batches in case there is not so much of a demand for the printed zine. Everyone who wanted the zine will absolutely get a chance to get one and have a discount but my fear is a lack of interest in the printed copy and having boxes of unsold zines in my flat. (I don't think my small flat could handle 160 zines, 160 add-ons and playsheets!)


Wail-Artless.pdf 2.7 MB
Mar 01, 2022
Wail - Plaintext.pdf 189 kB
Mar 01, 2022
Wail-Playsheets.zip 825 kB
Mar 01, 2022

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Buy Now$5.00 USD or more


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I'm so excited about this!!

Hey, might there be a PDF version with less black, for home printing? (Or maybe I can figure out how to have Acrobat invert some pages)

Print friendly is on my list, I just wanted to get the final rules out. I'll see if I can get it done this week and let you know here.

Out of interest would a print friendly version for you be just black text on white and removing the Grey's from the tables? Or would you prefer less text too? (I'm wondering about removing the headers on each page?) 

And would you prefer spreads or still as pages? (Sorry for all the questions  gotta make sure the print friendly version if fit for purpose haha) 

 I'm glad you're excited too! 


I think the main concern for at-home printers would be “less full-page solid black backgrounds”. I wouldn’t necessarily change anything else like headers and tables.

But on the other hand, I have printed stuff with solid black backgrounds, and even though my ink cartridges hate me for it, DAMN does it come out looking delicious… 😂😭

I guess “low ink without sacrificing your design vision too much”?

As for spreads, there are 2 kinds, right?: true spreads that make your design intent shine as intended when viewed on screen (but which can also be achieved by turning on “facing pages” in your reader), and “booklet” printing spreads for saddle stitching, which are super helpful for at-home printers. 

(I’ve personally invested in an app called “booklet creator” which transforms PDFs to duplex-ready spreads)

I’ve done a lot of thinking about this as well, for when I finally put up my own booklet, and I think the conclusion is: can’t hurt to have more formats, as long as generating them isn’t a time-sink per update…

Thank you for all the great feedback! I've just uploaded an individual pages version for home printing. I thought pages would allow a bit more freedom for home printing than me doing multiple spread varieties. Hopefully this is what you were hoping for. Feel free to let me know what you think or if there's any changes that would be beneficial. (I mainly use a tablet so home printing stuff is all new for me so thanks for the help!)